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Presidential Message 2022-2024

At the beginning of my term as President of our beautiful association and the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, I would like to share my Presidential message with you. My predecessors and the board members have done a lot of work and have already made VSAI’s name strong in the speaker market. The…

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VSAI President Update – October 2021

  I am delighted to serve you as the President of the Virtual Speakers Association International for the 2021-22 year. I am proud to be working with the following Board Members: Past President, Jonathan Low CSP, Malaysia Vice President, Paul ter Wal CSP FPSA, The Netherlands     Board Members Jessica Breitenfeld, Spain, Mohammed Al-Rashid,…


VSAI President’s Update April 2021

I’m delighted to share that the Virtual Speakers Association International (VSAI) has been accepted as the 17th member association by the Global Speakers Federation. The mission of the Global Speakers Federation is to support and provide resources to help develop and grow associations of professional speakers worldwide. I would like to thank the VSAI Board…