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Professional Speakers’ Celebration Day 2024

Every year, we set aside a day to honor the craft and impact of professional speakers. These are the voices that inspire change, motivate action, and share invaluable insights across countless platforms and industries. But how did this day come about? Professional Speakers Celebration Day was established to recognize the profound influence speakers have on…

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VSAI Jersey Chapter Launch

It is my pleasure to be launching the Jersey Chapter for the Virtual Speaker Association International. Having been a member for over 3 years now during the COVID crisis, I am excited to be creating this group to inspire, empower and enthuse Jersey professional and aspiring speakers. The launch of the VSAI Jersey Chapter opens up…

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Find a Speaker

Looking for a speaker at your event? Look no further than our very own curated database of professional speakers from all over the world, with expertise on every topic you could imagine!

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Presidential Message 2022-2024

At the beginning of my term as President of our beautiful association and the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, I would like to share my Presidential message with you. My predecessors and the board members have done a lot of work and have already made VSAI’s name strong in the speaker market. The…