Become the Conscious Futurist your Audiences Need Now

Start Date: 28-04-2021
Start Time: 09:00 AM (CEST)
End Date: 28-04-2021
End Time: 10:00 AM (CEST)
Event Overview

We are all natural futurists. But with a little attention, we can become better at anticipating and preparing for the future. And with a little more intention, we can become more conscious futurists.

A conscious futurist makes decisions and influences the future for the benefit of more than their own small interests. A conscious futurist is someone who wants to make a positive change, create a sustainable development or leave a valuable legacy.

Using a set of tools and models, anyone can become more confident about making better decisions for the future. It should not be a time of uncertainty and anxiety, but rather we should look to the future as something co-created and full of potential and realised plans.

The Conscious Futurist model moves people from the bottom of a spiral from Survival, through Responsible and Invested stages to Conscious, and beyond. As a model it is useful to help teams see how much more influence they could have in the world and on the future, and see ways to start moving into that space.

Understanding the Conscious Futurist model allows us and our audiences,
~ To feel ownership or agency, over our futures,
~ To understand how people have struggled with the consequences of a pandemic world, and how they can recover, and
~ To connect our own material to the audiences’ expectations of their futures, giving them encouragement to explore and hopefully implement our individual content.

Charlotte Kemp is the Futures Alchemist, a futurist keynote speaker who works with organizations to co-create preferred futures. She is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists (APF) as well as the Deputy President of the Professional Speakers Association of Southern Africa (PSASA).

Charlotte is also the author of a number of books, including ‘Futures Alchemist’ which presents a narrative of how to use her Map, Compass, and Guide model to navigate unknown futures.

For research and insight, Charlotte hosts a podcast series called ‘Futures Facets’ and interviews people around the world to gain an understanding of how we see the future from our different points of view.

Charlotte’s signature talk is “Become the Conscious Futurist your Industry Needs, Now” and explores ways to intentionally create changes that will usher in our preferred future for our own industries.

Charlotte also serves on a number of association boards and steering committees and works as an Association Futurist.

Charlotte lives in Cape Town, South Africa but loves to travel (Covid willing) and speak internationally.

Event Details

Event Category: Business & Professional
Event Category: Seminar or Talk
Event Location: Online Event

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