The Era of the Polycrisis

Start Date: 22-05-2024
Start Time: 01:00 AM (CEST)
End Date:
End Time:
Event Overview

What is the polycrisis and what does it mean to me? Will our profession even have opportunities in this new era of crisis? Andrea is going to take us deep into the enormous, multi-faceted challenges of the polycrisis, especially as we rush headlong into crisis after crisis globally and she will help us make sense of it within the context of our profession.

This is a conversation, where we delve into the challenges and look for the opportunities for our community, as well as how we can be strong and wise guides for our audiences, as many struggle to cope with current-day challenges and are apprehensive about the future. We have an opportunity to embrace this future, but first we must accept that a different era has begun.

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Key Takeaways:

  1. Clarity on what the polycrisis is and why it’s important
  2. What the polycrisis means to us as professional speakers
  3. Our opportunities as leaders and influencers, to be a voice of strength and courage to help our audiences through the challenging years ahead

About Andrea:

Andrea T Edwards, CSP, is a globally award-winning B2B communications professional, helping professionals embrace social leadership with integrity and a service mindset, transforming MNCs through employee voices. A change agent, provocateur, author, passionate communicator and social leader, Andrea positions her messages within the context of the polycrisis, helping audiences understand how to make greater impact within the multiple layers of crisis facing our world today.

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Event Details

Event Category:
Event Category: Seminar or Talk
Event Location: Online Event
Registration Deadline: